
Hello, I’m James – I am a man in awe and wonder at the mystery and magic that lies within us, and want to share this with as many people as possible, for I believe it will transform our society from one of dullness and boredom, to one of wisdom, wonder and magic.  And so I offer mystical art that communes a sense of magic,  soul readings, where I delve deep into the hidden aspects of your soul and reveal what wants to be seen,  and mentoring for those who wish to learn how to enter the mystery. 

My great passion is the alchemisation and transformation of society into something beautiful and soulful, where money is no longer needed, and the human soul is flowering.  For right now society is in a state of decay and starved of soul enrichment.  Yet I believe, as magic and wonder and mystery are bridged into our society, wisdom begins to flower, and the vines of heaven come down and become easier for many to grasp.  My book, The Rose Bridge, is about the flowering of humanity’s soul as we collectively cross the initiatory bridge from within to without.  You can watch the film version of The Rose Bridge here on this website, as the message wishes to be spread far and wide, like seeds from a tree.

What I Offer


Discover the mystery and messages of your Soul through a reading.

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Spiritual Development

Develop your connection to the hidden realms within.

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Explore my art, inspired by my     journeys to the hidden realms.

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The Rose Bridge - film out now

I have recently written my first book, The Rose Bridge,  where I share a possible way for humanity to come together and co-create a more harmonious world, where humanity is in balance with the Earth and thriving.  

The book is in the process of being published, but I have created a film based on the book so that it’s freely accessible to all, and you can watch it by clicking the link below.

Get in touch

You can get in touch with me via my email james@jamesskinner.co.uk, or by completing the form below.  

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